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Words from the deep
I missed to see the sea Without fear of drowning
I missed to see sun shine without fear of beginning
I missed to trust people without fear of cheating
I missed to smile yes I missed to smile but without fear of my tears falling
I missed to talk to someone close to me without fear of crying
I missed to feel of the freedom without fear of fearing
I missed to feel that I'm a girl , really I feel now that I'm died from inside
I wish I can back again as I know my self but can I?? don't know
Special song for special person
My song today touched my heart so I want you all listen & tell me what did you feel when you were listening
Adele - someone like you
Yes, I'm lost
To feel that you're living in nowhere is very hard, to lose your most 2 persons close to you is the same but to live in life full of sadness is a miserable thing that no one can listen for your burdens or feel how much you're suffering
But after a deep thinking I found that it's more hurting when you meet someone gives him your trust and start talking with him about everything, suddenly you notice that the same person how you trust are not the same person how standing in front of your eyes
I didn't believe before that time can change the good persons but now I learned very much how to live with 2 characters, one of them always smile & the other always cry
I'm waiting freedom's sun will shine one day in my life, I'm waiting for someone's to understand how much I'm suffering because of them but I'm so afraid if they discover the truth very late on time which my heart can't forgive them
I'm lost & I know very well that I'm waiting for something won't come one day
Really I wish for them alot of happiness :)
في لبنان حققت عائلة طفلة في الثامنة من عمرها مصابة بمرض السرطان رغبتها بعقد قرانها على فتى مريض بالمرض نفسه عمره 12 عاما واقامت لها حفل زواج كبير.
وذكر ان 'الطفلة خلود حلمت ان تكون 'عروسا' تزف الى كريم الذي كانت التقته في المستشفى فكان لها ما ارادت رغم ان الموعد الاول لحفل الزواج تأجل لاشتداد المرض عليها .
ودخلت العروس قاعة الزفاف على انغام الزفة وسط دموع المدعوين الذي تجاوزعددهم المئة, وهي ترتدي فستان الزفاف الذي صممه المصمم العالمي زهير مراد .
ووصلت خلود إلى مكان الاحتفال بسيارة مكشوفة وقطعت قالب الحلوى وسط زغاريد المدعوين, وتمنت لها والدتها الشفاء لتحتفل بعرسها الحقيقي
اللهم اتمم فرحتها بالشفاء..واشف كل مريض
Special song for today
There's nothing I wouldn't do
To have just one more chance
To look into your eyes
And see you looking back
To have just one more chance
To look into your eyes
And see you looking back
My song for this day
Really very beautiful song I hope you all love it like me
Bruno Mars >>>Move on
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