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Great rains from wonderful sky

Thank you great sky for being beside me when none was , thank you for crying with me

Sometimes we don't notice that inanimate things can feel more than human

Rain is the most beautiful thing in our life , it's a big grace from our god

Thanks god for sending this rains to hide my tears under it 


Anonymous said...

oh my dear wish your fine :( :(

plz call me when you can your phone is closed


Anonymous said...

Yasoo I wander how you find your words ?
Althought I write poems but not like you :)

Mirna Al-Shimy said...

yasoo i like this words sooooooo much . Do you know when it rain , back from uni to home i was shouting from happy because it was rain . Thank god ;)

Yasmeen Omran said...

I'm sorry amani

I'm just tierd so don't worry about me

Yasmeen Omran said...

Thank you my dear friend

yes, rains are the most beautiful thing in our life

Yasmeen Omran said...

Hello stranger

my words are just a real feelings from the bottom of my heart

do you believe on the quote which says that the more hurt you feel , the more creative you'll be.

Generally , thank you !!